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The Mirror: Considering the Underlying Symbolism

For some time the mirror and the ideas surrounding it, has been a perplexing and interesting topic. A material innately empty of physical meaning, mirrors have found substance in their unique characteristic of being able to reflect anything put in front of them. Socially, we have taken this idea and run with it, to produce an array of meanings, both simple and profound, as they relate to humans and our environment. The Innate Nature & Symbol of The Mirror Mirrors, in their ability to reflect our own images, have largely become a symbol for being able to see one's self as one truly is- to see not only the physical manifestation of self, but the energy and underlying substance of self- the spirit- the soul. On a grand scale humans, as parts within the self-propagating, self-repetitive universe, must, thus, be reflections of every aspect of it in some way, shape, or form. Just as we are all made of earth, fire, water, and air, in some form or other, all of us are also mirrors. If a thing can exist in the universe, then some aspect or characteristic of it must also exist within us humans, however far removed the connection may seem. The universe, in its automatic compulsion to keep all things in harmony, and thus consistent with itself, disallows for any aspect of itself to be completely removed. Try it for yourself, in earnest, and see if you are unable to find at least one similarity between yourself and any other object, animal, or person. The idea of the mirror, an endless reflection of its surroundings, is an easy reminder that all things in reality are connected. To look at a thing and see one's self is to know the true nature of reality. Interesting... But So What? Well, I'm glad you asked! Realizing that every aspect of reality serves as a mirror for every other aspect of reality opens us up to being able to think, feel, and experience multi-dimensionally. We recognize that all acts are reflections of and connected to all other acts. That all feelings are reflections of and connected to all other feelings. This is good news! In recognizing the intimate connections between these aspects of reality, suddenly everything- and every person- becomes just as important as anything else. We see how painting is able to make a better violin player. We see how assisting the impoverished becomes beneficial to the middle class. We understand that seemingly simple or meaningless events must have significant meaning in some way, shape or form. Finally, we understand that nothing is ever a waste of time. We come to see that all actions, for what seems better or worse, matter. And how this inspiration should move us all!, regardless of social position, to the most sound and considerate of actions! Trust in this natural law of insistent and infinite reflection, that we might all find ourselves in the most fortuitous of circumstances!

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